Nominee for Best Cover Artist of 2017

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Best Cover Artist of 2017

Mingjue Helen Chen (a.k.a. Helen Chen)

  • Gotham Academy Second Semester #4
  • Winnebago Graveyard #1 of 4 Cover B
  • Silk #18

I chose this artist because I previously dropped two of the respective titles and the artwork on these covers still made me want to purchase them. The third was a new mini series and I still have to finish the last two issues but the cover art convinced me to try it in the first place. The specifics are simply that the cover in each case showed knowledge of the title, the color choices enhanced the character shown. The background images in both Silk #18 and Second Semester #4 added both emotion and showed artistic talent toward the audience. Each illustration kept with, or further defined, the titles tone and theme.

Keep in mind I purchased each of these issues even though I dropped the ongoing comic, which is actually the covers job. Sadly, the cover artwork did not get the writing support to bring me back to any of the titles. Excellent cover art but the stories just did not get the development needed to get me back into the monthly reads.

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