CALL ME IGGY GN (C: 0-1-1)

Diamond ID DEC231478


Available on February 14, 2024
Out of Stock

Ignacio Garcia-or Iggy as he urges you to call him-is an Ohio-born Colombian American teen who’s got a pretty easygoing life… for now. After bumping into Marisol (and her coffee) at school, Iggy’s world is spun around. But Marisol has too much going on to be bothered with the likes of Iggy. She has school, work, family, and the uphill battle of getting her legal papers. As Iggy stresses over how to get Marisol to like him, his grandfather comes to the rescue. The thing is, not only is his abuelito dead but he also gives terrible love advice. The worst. And so, with his ghost abuelito’s meddling, Iggy’s life begins to unravel as he sets off on a journey of self-discovery.