G Kane; T Austin, M Nodell
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Greetings, creep culturists! For my debut issue, I, the Cryptologist (with the help of From the Tomb editor Peter Normanton), have exhumed the worst Horror Comics excesses of the 1950s, Killer "B" movies to die for, and the creepiest, kookiest toys that crossed your boney little fingers as a child!... Read More →
Greetings, creep culturists! For my debut issue, I, the Cryptologist (with the help of From the Tomb editor Peter Normanton), have exhumed the worst Horror Comics excesses of the 1950s, Killer "B" movies to die for, and the creepiest, kookiest toys that crossed your boney little fingers as a child!... Read More →
I, the Cryptologist, am back with editor Peter Normanton and my horrible little troop of ne'er do wells, to inflict the dread of Mars Attacks upon you-the banned cards, model kits, and despicable comics, along with a few words from the film's deranged storyboard artist Pete von Sholly! The chilling... Read More →