This week is a little short but the latest store fixture move has increased visibility so the extra hours were worth it.
Though the list is short, We Only Find Them When They Are Dead #1 turned out to be a book with potential. The first issue is the standard space vermin cutting up material for profit, but the family legacy detail is a well placed emotional thread. We have been short science fiction books lately and I am glad to see one start up that has a subplot. Though first prints sold out, in three weeks we will have the second prints. I would not jump on this as a speculation book, it is not that kind of thing, but it was good enough to read.
- NInjas & Robots #1
- A Man Among Ye #1
- It Eats What Feeds It #1
- Sabrina Something Wicked #1
- Spy Island #1
- We Only Find Them When They Are Dead #1
- Inkblot #1
- Jessica Jones Blind Spot #3
- Count Crawley #4