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Diamond ID APR181321


Available on June 20, 2018

Dive back into the world of MICHAEL TURNER’S FATHOM in this great jumping-on point for new readers! ASPEN MATTHEW’S role in the brand new ASPEN UNIVERSE, spawning out of last summer’s mega-event, Aspen Universe: Revelations, is larger than ever! The preeminent heroine must navigate the treacherous divide between the humans and her ancestral people of The Blue-as well as the surprises in store for both races in a landscape where anything is possible! Please join newcomers, writer Blake Northcott and artist Marco Renna, along with colorist John Starr, as they bring readers under the surface into the world of The Blue, and everything you loved about FATHOM! Collecting together the entire sixth volume and including a complete cover gallery, this newest FATHOM TPB is not to be missed!

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