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Diamond ID AUG221837


Available on October 19, 2022
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The ladies from the 80s are back! And they’re going to the MALL! Imagine Charlie’s Angels were real angels. These Heaven’s Rejects-angels with filthy souls-are dumped on Earth because they’re too rebellious for Heaven’s army, and they start to freelance as hellfire-fighters for hire. Their demonic employer wants to take out the rival mythological creatures at the mall food court, but the ladies will also have to deal with gigantic space toads, cross-cultural hellions, and macho, mansplaining rival angels. Will good whip evil’s ass again? Which versions of good and evil are we even talking about? And how’s the Greek food at The Gyro’s Journey? These angels have answers. And ass-kicking action! So do it! Say YES to Heaven’s Rejects!

For Mature Readers