George C. Romero’s The Rise, a prequel to the film Night of the Living Dead, serialization starts in this issue as well as Michelle & Bart Sears haunting tale of revenge, Maiden! We look at our distant past and follow Liberatore’s Lucy in an era where the ascension of the hominids had just begun. In Brendan Columbus´ Savage Circus Deputy Brady Harrison must navigate through a city of deranged animals, psychotic criminals, and crazed ringleader Lewis Savage to protect his citizens and save his town. We get a glimpse into our future as we’re introduced to Lindsay & Piriz’ Here Be Dragons where Niko, a human who just arrived to a Dyson Sphere thought to be a heaven for intergalactic cultures who seek refuge, discovers that everything in life has a cost one must pay. Also, in the distant future, Medney’s Benedict Gunn guides the Dark Wing crew in search for a new world to call home.
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