JACKY HA HA GN (C: 1-1-0)
Adapted from James Patterson’s #1 bestselling book, this exciting graphic novel introduces Jacky Ha-Ha, a class clown who makes people laugh with her so they can’t laugh at her! With her irresistible urge to tell a joke in every situation, even when it’s far from a funny moment for others, twelve-year-old Jacky Ha-Ha loves to make people laugh. And cracking wise helps distract her from thinking about not-so-funny things in her life, like her mom serving in a faraway war, and a dad who’s hardly ever home. But no matter how much fun Jacky has, she can’t entirely escape her worries. So one starlit night, she makes a promise to keep her family together…even if she has to give up the one thing that makes her happy. But can she stop being Jacky Ha-Ha, if that’s who she really is? Available in softcover and hardcover editions.