Diamond ID JUL201050


Available on November 11, 2020
Out of Stock

Fashion designer Carly Danvers was at a difficult crossroads in her life when a light from the sky sent her hurtling down a path she never saw coming. Now empowered by cosmic energies, her life grows even more complicated as she’s pulled in different directions by the military, marketing agents, city-stomping kaiju and foes from abroad.  Carly will have to trust her instincts to find her own path:  The path that leads her to becoming KAMEN AMERICA! The crowdfunding smash-hit by the team of Timothy Lim & Mark Pellegrini (Black Hops: U.S.A.-*-G.I., Wall-Might) is now available direct-to-market for the first time!  With story and art that combine American superheroics with Japanese tokusatsu action, Kamen America is gaining traction fast!

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