FOR SOME PEOPLE, IT’S ALWAYS MIDNIGHT. From the mind of literary icon Barry Gifford—internationally renowned author of Wild at Heart and co-writer of the neo-noir masterpiece Lost Highway—Night People is a pulsating roadmap of the American subconscious, where neon-lit Southern nights give to lipstick, sweat, and blood, and the odd, innocent, and evil are all fellow travelers down an intertstate of dark, elusive dreams. Adapted from Gifford’s acclaimed novel by breakout writer Chris Condon (That Texas Blood) and a rotating cast of artistic talents—including Brian Level (Poison Ivy), Alexandre Tefenkgi (The Good Asian), Artyom Topilin (I Hate This Place), and Marco Finnegan (Calavera, P.I.)—follow an uneasy cast of wanted men, cartel killers, and lost souls through four interlocking tales as they travel a path of intoxication, lust, and spontaneous violence from New Orleans to Egypt City, Florida, and back again.
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