SHAM #3 (MR)

Diamond ID MAY191913


Available on July 31, 2019
Out of Stock

Golden Age “Classics” Get Riffed! In this issue: Bozo the Robot tangles with his arch-enemy, Lex Lupus, as PETA releases the dreaded “Owl Flu” on an unsuspecting populace! Shunned by real women, Dr. Amos Hideouso creates a beautiful bionic companion, in “The Girl of My Screams!” ‘Skunky’ McGee, the private eye with deplorable personal hygiene, is hired by a wealthy woman to protect her from her possibly murderous husband, in “The Case of the Lethal Sleepover!” Conan the Aryan Barbarian goose-steps across the ancient world in search of wine, women, and treasure (but mostly women)! And more!

For Mature Readers