THE GUNHAND #3 (C: 0-0-1)

Cover Artist
Diamond ID DEC231351


Available on February 28, 2024
Online 10 AM Wednesday

Having bid farewell to the gentle Amish settlers of Pennsylvania, Victor and Hudson P. Magpie find themselves in Carrow, Virginia. The small town, site of a forgotten Civil War battle, is deserted… the townsfolk nowhere to be found. The populace has taken to the hills for refuge, as the living dead have marched into their town on the fateful anniversary of the day, 20 years ago, that Confederate General Leonidas Baxter made a bargain with dark forces to win… and lost his soul and those of his soldiers. Now, Baxter and his doomed fighting force are back to win the war for the South… leaving Victor six bullets against six hundred in “The South Shall RISE Again!” The saga of The GunHAND continues from PREVIEWS Editor Marty Grosser and master illustrator Matthew Plog (Kent Menace, Battletech Game Series)!