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  • MALL #1

    Fresh from Free Comic Book Day, The Mall is set in everyone's favorite decade, the 1980's. This coming of age crime story takes place in a small Florida town at the height of the popularity of indoor malls. When the head of the Cardini Mob Family mysteriously dies, his three... Read More →

    Out of Stock
    Available on
    July 18, 2018
  • MALL #2

    After the shocking revelations of last issue, Diego, Dallas and Lena must come to terms with their inheritance and all that it brings. It's not every day that you get news that you're the heirs of a criminal organization run out of the coolest mall in southern Florida. It's the... Read More →

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    Available on
    October 17, 2018
  • MALL #5

    A cross between the Soprano's and Breakfast Club, The Mall continues to fire on all cylinders! On the day of the state championship game, Dallas, Lena and Diego are stuck between a rock and a hard place thanks to the ultimatum given to them by the Tessitorre Family. Will they... Read More →

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  • MALL #6 CVR A

    After the stunning revelation last issue, Diego, Lena and Dallas have some major decisions to make before the conference championship football game that will affect them for the rest of their lives. Their uncle Lenny has gone missing and the Tessitorre family are making their final move to take over... Read More →

    Out of Stock
    Available on
    January 29, 2020