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And we're back! It's the final leg of the race, and the four remaining drivers have returned to Los Angeles. It's everyone for themselves to win the grand prize; all that remains is making it across the finish line. But Quellex was never going to let them off that easy,... Read More →
For Mature Readers
It's the '70s, baby! But Alyson, Moirai, and Charles aren't having a very groovy time. Captured and without their vehicles, the drivers find themselves in Berlin, Germany being forcefully questioned by the garish Commander Bundt. Meanwhile, the rest of the racers are at odds about whether or not to risk... Read More →
For Mature Readers
AVAST! The drivers weigh anchor in the "wickedest city in the world"-17th-century Port Royal, right at the height of plundering, pillaging, and pirates. Quellex has another twist in store for the drivers. Keeping on theme, he has devised a sprawling treasure hunt! But the roads of the city deem themselves... Read More →
For Mature Readers
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The drivers continue their treasure hunt across Port Royal in search for clues that will get them to the final leg of the race. But with the finish line in sight, Quellex has started quick-firing twists and turns. Meanwhile, a tragic accident awaits them back at home base.
For Mature Readers