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Tilly, one of the newest super-powered people to join the Coalition of Heroes, is doing her best to navigate the dizzying world of superheroes. Working with her idols should be a dream come true, but when she learns the truth, Tilly's dream quickly becomes a nightmare. Now, Tilly has to... Read More →
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Tilly learns more about her former idols as well as her new teammates in the Shadow Order. Meanwhile, we learn more about what the Coalition of Heroes is after and their reason for plotting against a world Ambassador.
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With a British Ambassador's life on the line, the Shadow Order make their move to try and save his life before the Coalition of Heroes get to him and then blame his death on the Shadow Order.
Tragedy strikes the Shadow Order as tensions finally reach a boiling point and Tilly faces off against her former role models. Find out who's left standing in the penultimate issue of Villainous!
It's the Coalition versus the Shadow Order! Who will come out on top? Will the public finally learn the truth about the Coalition? Will Tilly get revenge on Showdown for his heinous act? Find out in the final issue!