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THE VINEYARD is a family-owned winery that sows and reaps by the blessing of the great god of wine and revelry, Dionysus. However, the Vines family's patron god requires complete devotion in the form of four sacrificial killings a year before each harvest. This has been done in unfettered obeisance.... Read More →
The Vines family finds their second victim and sacrifice. Adonis dives deeper into his devotion to Dionysus, to his father's delight. Meanwhile, Sophia returns home to save her mother, but Maranatha isn't willing to give up on the family just yet.
Maranatha is caught off guard by the second sacrifice's identity, which causes her to lash out and question just how much more she can take of her family's murderous obedience to Dionysus. Meanwhile, siblings Sophia and Adonis face off about the extremism of their father's belief, and Calum gets in... Read More →
Adonis attempts to carry out the final sacrifice to Dionysus as Sophia and Maranatha race to stop him - while Didache's belief overwhelms the family and there's no turning back when family values collide violently with otherworldly obligations.