Alterici, Natasha
Showing all 16 results
'Til death do us part...? Following a fatal accident, a newly incorporeal lover makes an earnest attempt to reconnect with their widow. But will their paranormal meddling be for better or for worse?
For Mature Readers
Imprisoned in a dungeon deep below Odin's keep, Aydis seems powerless to continue her mission. But her luck changes when she receives a visit from an old friend.
Odin's army marches toward Aydis's home village, where her friends and family prepare for battle. Meanwhile, Aydis stands before the Tree of Wurd, communing with the mystical Norns.
The Saga's End! Brynhild and Frejya race to the godlands to meet up with Ruadan, rescue Aydis, and, at long last, dethrone the corrupt god-king Odin.
The Saga's End! Brynhild and Frejya race to the godlands to meet up with Ruadan, rescue Aydis, and, at long last, dethrone the corrupt god-king Odin.
Things haven't quite gone as Aydis planned. She's been kidnapped by the goddess Freya. And she's trapped in the impenetrable stronghold of the Valkyries. Escape seems impossible. It's hard enough just resisting Freya's spell. Roles now reversed, Brynhild plans a rescue with help from Saga and a very old friend.
Aydis is ambushed by trolls shortly after arriving at the godlands. To her surprise, they spare her life and only take her captive. She'll have to find a way to turn them into allies, or risk failing her mission.
Aydis is a viking, a warrior, an outcast, and a self-proclaimed heathen. Aydis is friend to the talking horse Saga, rescuer of the immortal Valkyrie Brynhild, and battler of demons and fantastic monsters. Aydis is a woman. Born into a time of warfare, suffering, and subjugation of women, she is... Read More →